Why Was I Billed for Medical Care?

We are often asked, "Why am I getting bills for medical care that should have been covered by workers’ compensation?"

Receiving an unexpected bill from a medical facility or doctor’s office can be very unsettling, especially when it should have been covered by workers’ compensation. There are a few reasons this can happen. If the treatment was denied by the workers’ compensation system, it is possible that the provider would directly bill the injured worker. In this situation, ensuring that the correct allowances are recognized in the claim and appealing any treatment denials will help address this problem. See “Why Was My Medical Treatment Denied?” for more information. 

At other times, an injured worker may receive a bill even though treatment was approved. This should not happen and reflects an error either at the doctor’s office or by workers’ compensation in processing the medical bill. Typically, a phone call to the provider can help clear this up. It is important not to ignore these bills. Addressing them immediately will help to alleviate further frustration down the road. If you have questions about the medical benefits to which you may be entitled, please contact Herdman Yeager, LLC for a free consultation. 

Christopher Yeager, Esq.


Disclaimer: This blog provides general information on legal issues and is not a substitute for legal advice. Each individual claim is unique. To seek legal guidance, you should contact an attorney.